More prints for sale
Soon to be ex-willow tree
Hi there gang, and Happy Thursday once again. Slightly distracted today as I'm having a hoofing great willow tree felled - it was a beautiful tree but was fast becoming a major nuisance to us and the neighbours so it's having to go. Really rather fascinating watching the guys at work. Never before have I seen such a lethal tool as a chainsaw used with so much dexterity!
Anyway, on to business..... As I've mentioned in a previous post or two, I'm moving my print galleries over to Fine Art America as I feel that it'll be a better place from which to sell my printed photographs. Not only can you buy top quality prints, but acrylics, canvases, metal prints and pre-framed images all ready to hang straight on your wall. Pricing is very competitively set and there is 100% satisfaction guarantee.
I go to extreme lengths to make sure that all the images that I post there are of first class quality and I am certain that you won't be disappointed. To date, I've around 60 images posted from the Lake District, Cheshire, Anglesey, the Isle of Skye, France, Spain and Iceland with plenty more to come.
If you've seen any images on my website or blog that you'd like a print of, then don't hesitate to ping me an email and I'll see what I can arrange for you.