Manchester... devoid of life
So this has been a hectic week, what with the bank holiday, trying to re-shuffle a terabytes worth of data around to improve my workflow and just general crap - thus the missed post on Tuesday. Apologies. However, now that I have additional storage hooked up and ChronoSync schedules amended, things are now cookin' again.
I've been working a little on a personal, as yet untitled project, shooting the empty streets of Manchester in daylight - a trickier task than you'd imagine! Manchester's hardly a city that never sleeps, but even at 5 or 6 am there's still plenty people around to make this particular project problematic. I foresee many hours sitting by the side of the road somewhere, but it's beginning to take shape. It's all going to be black and white, and I'm shooting 5,7 or sometimes 9 bracketed frames. Processing in HDR Efex Pro or Photomatix, then over into Silver Efex Pro 2 and finally into Photoshop for final tidying. Not exactly a quick process, but I'm getting down. Consistency is the key for this, not just in the look and feel of the processing, but also the composition of the images. These are just a couple of samples of more to come.......
Deansgate, Manchester (Click for larger)