Kata BP-502 first outing

Barber Booth Originally uploaded by jacobsdad

Today was the first time I've managed to get out with the rucksack fully loaded and had a chance to put it through its paces. In it I managed to get:- Hasseblad 503 80mm & 150mm lenses Prism finder Spare A12 back Power Winder & grip 32E Extensions tube Lee Hood, Polariser & ND Grads Polaroid back Small binoculars Nikon D70s Sigma 18-200, 30mm F1.4, 10mm-20mm F4 & 150-500mm Flash Polariser, ND Grads and several other filters. Spare batteries, memory cards, & extensions tubes Tripod Torch, penknife & kitchen sink. Well no, not quite the kitchen sink, but I was amazed at how much stuff I could get in and it still felt really comfortable on my back. Heavy, but comfortable. Now I'm certainly no fitness geek, but I reckon that I could certainly manage a good few miles with this load on my back. The pack is that well designed. I've got a couple of lenses at the menders, so there will have to bit of jiggery pokery to get them in (I'm soooo missing the 40mm for the 'blad) when they come back. I think the Sigma 150-500 will have to live elsewhere. But all in all a great buy. Well worth the pennies & from a build quality point of view, it beats the LowePro hands down. Kata rock! Oh and here's a wee snap I took on the way!