Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

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Manchester - stitched panorama

Panorama of Manchester looking East with Salford Quays in the distance (Click for larger)

A couple of weeks ago I found myself in the car park in the old Great Northern Warehouse accosted by a couple of security guards inquiring as to what I was photographing. Remarkably, they were quite amenable and just left me to get on with what I was doing. That has to be a first. Anyway, to the image. This image is actually made up from 18 photographs. I shot 6 sequences of 3 frame HDRs, processed each bunch of HDRs in PhotoMatix and tone mapped them all with the same settings. I then imported the resulting 6 images into Photoshop using the automatic panorama functionality and then cropped the resulting image a little to tidy up the edges. The final image, which is best viewed larger by clicking on it, comes in at about 14,500 pixels and a 350Mb tiff, so I think I could make quite a sizable print out of it...

From a compositional point of view, I'd have liked to get a bit higher in order to miss out the rooftop in the foreground and get Deansgate in the frame, but there weren't any cherry pickers around and no access to the roof!

That's all for today I'm afraid. Life kinda got in the way of a longer post.

Have a great bank holiday.

Oh and before I forget I've started an "Image of the Week" email newsletter which goes out on a Friday. So if you fancy a little something extra in your mailbox over the weekend then head over here and sign up.
